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Patterson Enterprises

275 Rose Avenue

Pleasanton, CA

Contact: Jeff Patterson

Patterson Enterprises is dedicated to teaching the lifesaving skill of cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR. Whether you're a healthcare provider or want to learn how to save a life. We're here to provide that quality training from a medical professional certified by the American Heart Association. Our training always includes the proper use of an AED and can consist of first aid and medical emergency training. We train individuals and small groups in our downtown Pleasanton location, or for groups of 6 or more, we can bring the training to your office. Patterson Enterprises has trained doctors, dentists, nurses, paramedics, EMT,s and many other medical professionals. Patterson Enterprises also does corporate training. We have trained major department stores, a large defense contractor, the Oakland Zoo, and many other companies. Let Patterson Enterprises train you or your company. The life you save may be that of a loved one or coworker.

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